Tropical Storm Hanna is moving into New England at this hour with 90km/h winds and about 100mm of rain (3-4 inches). Flood Warnings are in place for much of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. At its closet approach to our region Hanna sent a steady stream of rapidly moving clouds along with periodic showers and drizzle into North Grenville this afternoon. The IR image below shows the clouds and precipitation along her western flank over our region. The photo above I took today down at Windmill Point along the Seaway looking south into New York State. Clouds rapidly flowing to the northeast along with a few showers and that is all.

As Hanna turns towards the Maratimes and off into the Atlantic we will turn our attention to extremely dangerous Hurricane Ike. Ike is a category 4 storm at this time with 135mph winds. He is moving west southwest towards Cuba at this time. The storm may slide south of the keys but enter the Gulf and could threaten Louisiana again. I wish it were not so, but each successive computer run brings it into the Gulf. Lets pray/wish it out to sea.
A full update tomorrow morning by 8am.
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